The early repayment of the murabaha/ discount

Estimated Time:

2 working days


The donor entity branches ( The Central Bank, Irbid, Zarqa`, Salt, Karak, Aqaba, Rusaifa,Sweileh) 

Estimated Fee:

5 JD dinars

  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services

Conditions for obtaining service

The approval of the entity`s General Director or his representative.



Partner institutions:



  1. Referring to the Public Service Office by the murabaha dealer himself to fill the early repayment request form and benefit from the discount at the concerned Discount officer, attaching required documents.
  2. The concerned officer verifies the application and attached documents.
  3. Transferring the murabaha dealer to the teller`s to pay for the service fees.
  4. The concerned discount requests  officer fills the discount application to state the discounted amount due to the murabaha dealer.
  5. The application is transferred to the committee to have the approval of the entity`s  General Director on the discounted amount or whoever represents him.

In the case of approval on the discount:

  1. The murabaha dealer refers to the teller`s to repay the net remaining amount of the murabaha balance after the discount.
  2. Drafting a clearance for the murabaha dealer and guarantors in due form.


Required Documents

A copy of the murabaha dealer ID card.

Persons benefiting from the service

Clients who obtained murabaha fund  from the entity.


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